image of a smiling man at a desk

Have You Received Unemployment Benefits? Here's What You Need to Know

At Motor City Tax Pros, our professionals have more than 30 years of experience, and we’re ready to serve you seven days a week. We offer tax preparation services and taxpayer planning services to both businesses and individuals. Our knowledge and experience propel us to the top of Detroit’s tax firms, and we want nothing more than to give the customer the best experience.

If you have received unemployment, for example, but don’t know how to file those benefits, there is no need to worry: Motor City Tax Pros is here to help. Here are four things you need to know about unemployment benefits.

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It’s Mandatory to File This!

It is mandatory to file your unemployment benefits. Unemployment benefits are counted as taxable income because unemployment compensation gets included in adjusted gross income. If you received benefits from the government over the last year, we will help you properly file your benefits the right way!

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Will Receive a 1099-G Online or in the Mail

A 1099-G is a tax form that shows certain government payments. Anything like unemployment compensation, state or local income tax refunds, or taxable grants will be on this sheet. Once you receive yours electronically or through the mail, make sure to bring it into Motor City Tax Pros to get your taxes filed correctly.

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Refund Advance and $50 On the Spot (Expires Feb28th)

Doing paper tax returns is a thing of the past as it takes too long and is an outdated process. When you come into Motor City Tax Pros, our process is completed electronically, as we e-file your tax returns. E-filing gives you a hassle-free experience that sends you your return check quicker than ever! Also, if you come in before February 28th, 2022, we will hand you $50 on the spot.

woman helping another woman with taxes

We’ll Make It Easy for You

Tax season can be a stressful time for all Americans. Having to find time out of your busy day to wait on a long process is never something to look forward to. No longer does that have to be the case! When you work with Motor City Tax Pros, you can be sure that our e-filing system makes this as easy and stress-free as possible. We will make your tax process easy for you.

Are you in the Detroit area and are searching for a new tax firm? Work with the Motor City Tax Pros this tax season, and see how we can help you make this process more effortless than ever before. Contact our firm today for more information on how to get started with us!

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